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Victory Baptist College Classes Available on CD!!!

As you know Kelly & I began classes at Victory Baptist College - North Augusta, SC in Fall of 2003. These classes have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement in our walk for the Lord. I was able to record the entire Fall 2003 semester in digital audio format and will continue recording classes all 4 years. I am making Audio CD's and wav/mp3 format CD's. If you or anyone you know would be interested let me know.

Fall 2003

Speech - Dr. Steve Hurte (Asst. Pastor, College VP and music minister at VBC)
Doctorine of Salvation II - Bro. Shane Busby (VBC graduate)
The Ministry of The Holy Spirit - Dr. Steve Hurte
Romans - Bro. Robbie Burton (VBC graduate, Pastor Hometown Baptist Church in Abbeville, SC)
Marriage & The Family - Bro. Timmy Newton (Assoc. Pastor at VBC- couples/family ministry)
Leadership Methods of Jesus - Dr. Steve Hurte
Attitude - Bro. Mike Brown (Trinity Baptist Jacksonville graduate, former Assoc. Pastor at VBC)
Church Pioneering - Dr. R. Larry Brown (Pastor VBC)
Chapel - Various Preachers - Chapel Notes - Sept 2003 Oct 2003 Nov 2003 Dec 2003

Spring 2004

The Life of Paul - Bro. Kenny Marr (VBC graduate, Assoc. Pastor Eastwood Baptist Church Morristown, TN)
Spiritual Authority - Dr. Steve Hurte (Asst. Pastor, College VP and music minister at VBC)
Youth Ministry - Bro. Scott Saleeby (Youth Pastor at VBC)
Music Ministry - Dr. Steve Hurte
Synoptic Gospels - Bro. Robbie Burton (VBC graduate, Pastor Hometown Baptist Church in Abbeville, SC)
Attitude II - Bro. Mike Brown (Trinity Baptist Jacksonville graduate, former Assoc. Pastor at VBC)
The Tabernacle - Bro. Shane Busby (VBC graduate)
Christian Ministries - Dr. R. Larry Brown (Pastor VBC)
Chapel - Various Preachers - Chapel Notes - Coming Soon!

If you are interested please contact me for prices. The audio CD's will be more expensive due to the amount of time and CD's required to make them. I will make these available at the lowest price I can produce them for. When we graduate these will be turned over to VBC as the official audio correspondence.

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